Easy enough, right?
Ok, so I learned to crochet a long time ago. My first item of business was to make sure I still remembered enough to get going. I stumbled upon a delightful blogger with a fantastic name and used the pattern for the flower attached to the "easiest headwrap EVER!!!". Thank you +Frayed Knot for posting this little tutorial. A couple of stabs with the ol' hook and I had myself a flower.
Next came the foraging of my stash. I have a lot of fabric. It is a collection really, so I needed to spend some time checking the collection for something that had the open weave of burlap, a bit of the neutral tone but less of the itch and the dust. I will forever recall working at Hancock Fabrics and having someone come in to decorate a whole baby room in burlap. I think we all persuaded the parents in a different direction. Maybe they make different burlap today, something that doesn't leave a fine dust on each table it touches... maybe they don't. SO anyway, back to the stash. A little digging revealed a linen like fabric that I had made a jacket from and enough left to do the trick.
So, I began my pinning, cutting, placing and making.
Terri sent me this lovely pillow to work with. I found the fabric in my stash and I unraveled a sweater to get the yarn for my crochet flower (WHA? I will blog on this topic more at a later time.)
I decided that the form would more easily fit in the new pillowcase if the piping was removed from the edge. I proceeded to cut very close to the edge of the piping in order to fully remove it. Then, I sewed three sides of the ivory fabric together, re-stuffed and then hand sewed the last side closed.
This is a fake shot, I am not a left handed seamstress. I had to take the photo with the right hand. :(
Next steps involved sizing up the pieces for the cover. I decided to have the back be a flap so that the pillow form could be removed in case the case needs cleaning. The pinning in this image is for one of the back flaps.
The front face of the pillow got one sewn embellishment prior to being sewn into the case. I added one strip of ivory satin ribbon.
This should give a quick sense of how the little sandwich was set up. The front side then the two flaps facing with right sides together slightly overlapping so the form can be slipped in. I added a label to the outer most flap!
Before sewing all my edges together, I decided to place my pillow on top in order to eyeball for measurements. I am terrible in that I don't measure, I typically can get closer and better results with the eye. So much for being a pattern maker...
And then after all that sewing, did it fit right? Moment of truth for the non measurer... it was snug as a bug...
In a rug... So there you have it. Only I didn't put the crochet flower on yet.
And the back... but I didn't really take the final photo, the cardinal sin of a how to.
That is because the real final photo will need to come from aunt Terri once the pillow gets to its new home. Plus I can't bust my own surprise to her by posting this blog.
So complete for now... new photo to come in a few.
Terri sent in this final pillow photo. Neutral worked well to incorporate into her current decor!