Sunday, February 2, 2014

Optical Extreme Focus Destimulator

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  Some of us have to work in noisy and difficult environments and there are certain seasons that call for extreme methods of working.  AB works in a vibrant tax firm and sits in a space that is less than optimal for focussed work.  SO, this year he is going in with reinforcements.

He now has a pair of noise canceling headphones which upon several trials have worked well for his ability to focus on getting the job done.  There is just one problem...they work a little too well. When he tried them on at home, it must have taken me a solid minute of gesturing madly to get his attention.

That and several work related moments of missed info have created the need for this device!

The Optical Extreme Focus Destimulator (O.E.F.D for short)
Items needed include: String of LED Christmas lights, a twist knob, Altoids container, wire nuts, wire stripper, electrical tape, 9 volt battery and harness.
AB began by drilling a hole in his Altoids tin, in order to place his twist knob.  He happened to have the perfect (and hand-turned, by himself- I might add) wooden knob from another project. This item fit over the twist knob perfectly.

 Inside the Altoid tin there was a bit of connecting to be done. The strand of LED lights came in from the back side. At this point he had trimmed the lights down to just 5 or so, he didn't want the whole length of lighting on his desk at work.  One wire from the knob connects to the battery harness and one wire from the lights connects to the battery harness.  Then the wires from the knob and light that haven't been connected are attached and covered with a wire nut.  All of this fits nicely inside the Altoid Tin.
 And thus you have a device that when twisted, will flash- getting the attention of one very focussed tax preparer.

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