Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wool and Tin Tin Tin

It is tax season and I am pretty much on my own on the weekends.  This has been both a good and a bad thing.  While I have been sticking to business getting to work on some creative ventures, there have also been a few little hunts.  When I say hunts, it is because I enjoy looking through what many may consider junk, in the hopes of finding treasures.  I have a handful of good friends who are with me on this.  The other handful are currently using hand sanitizer just thinking about it.  
Actually I knew that AB and I were going to have a lot in common when we exchanged thrift shop stories.  It was a huge sigh of relief and he has helped me to locate the best spots on the East side of Madison. One of my favorite is the Treasure Mart.

The people watching is wonderful and there are always amazing items and the pricing system is interesting.  The longer an item is there, the more the price goes down.  I marched in yesterday to a full parking lot, which is somewhat abnormal.  Most times it is occupied by me and the ladies who run the T Mart.  I saw many wonderful things, one of which, I wish I had taken a quick Iphone photo of, but alas I didn't.  I will describe to the best of my abilities: The item was a yellow sweatshirt that had been appliqued.  The front had large and small bats seemingly flying around and on the back, was a funky old broad appliqued in different plaid fabrics wearing a rhinestone necklace.  It was extremely well done- kinda of wishing I bought it to wear tomorrow.  

Instead I went home with a new (well old) hat.  The hat is navy wool and fits nicely atop the head. There is a small embellishment on the front right that has a sideways chevron and a little red ribbon.  I am currently contemplating the ensemble that it will be worn with.

My second purchase is really three in one! They might be just a tad on the Donna Dewberry (my only real gripe is her use of styrofoam plates) side, but I really enjoy the colors of the brushstrokes- and it is done by hand.  That is rare these days. 
Three metal tins, one missing a lid handle- so I am sizing it now with a goat's milk lid.  These will hide my sugar, flour and other dry goods.  
And the best part of this shopping experience... well besides the missed opportunity for the best halloween shirt ever... I would say that the free gift of dog treats with the purchase was what made the day.  When I got home, Marcel was on the case and demanded to see his treasure. After, all the "Charlie Bears" are what inspired me to make Marcel's dog treats.

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